London & Newmarket based Asset Management Services

Services for Investors

Doyen Land’s Asset Management services are tailored to optimising the income, profitability and value of our Client’s investment properties.

Built assets contain enormous untapped potential however many Investors are not realising the optimal amount of rental income and capital value, often through inaction and lack of investment.

The built environment is continually evolving with new technology, workplace and lifestyle changes and shifts in market demand. Like all businesses this places an onus on property owners to adapt their assets to meet changing demands and maintain their investment.

Establishing the measures to optimise a building’s potential and carrying out a feasibility study to evaluate the return on investment of those measures is a multi-disciplinary exercise encompassing all aspects of the physical asset, management, leasing performance, statutory and legal compliance, market demand and planning.


Areas which we research in this context include:
  • Occupancy Levels and Rental Income Evaluating the occupancy levels and rental rates when compared with current market levels.
  • Lease Terms and Tenant Covenants Establishing the quality of the tenants and robustness of the lease agreements.
  • Maintenance Management Establishing the cost efficiency of the building maintenance regime, is there a professional planned preventative maintenance (PPM) regime in place or a series of expensive emergency call-outs? Efficient maintenance management typically means fewer disruptions to tenants and lower service charge bills.
  • Energy Performance An assessment of the building fabric and mechanical & electrical services to establish age, performance and cost savings that can be realised by: upgrading building services and improving the thermal efficiency of the fabric.
  • Health, Safety and Wellbeing Does the building provide a safe place to work, rest or play and are the environmental services allowing the building users to be their most productive? Is the building secure and are there any inherent hazards putting lives at risk?
  • Increase of Lettable Area Assessment of the floor areas to identify any potential lettable areas lost to circulation on sub-divided floors, opportunities to infill lightwells, convert basements or extend over flat roofs to increase floor space.
  • Modernisation Study of the buildings services, finishes, facilities, amenities and features to assess how close they meet current demands of building users.
  • Market Demand Assessment of current market demands, which uses are driving the highest rents and values and the expectations of tenants driving those prices.
  • Sustainability Accreditation Assessment of the ability of the building to achieve a BREEAM (or equivalent) sustainability rating, the savings achieved in operating the building by implementing certain measures and the attractiveness to tenants (particularly those with CSR commitments) of obtaining an accreditation.
  • Statutory Compliance An assessment of whether the building complies with the law of the land, such as the Disability Discrimination Act 1995/ Equality Act 2010, Health & Safety at Work Act 1974 and Control of Asbestos Regulations 2012.
  • Property Management An assessment of the provision and costs of the property management regime, the levels of service experienced by the owner and tenants and enforcement of lease terms.  
  • Marketing & Branding How is the building represented in the market? Is it viewed as a desirable place to work, rest or play in or somewhere to be avoided? How is the building considered by tenants as representative of their image or brand and a place where their employees want to work? Our feasibility studies include a joined-up assessment bringing together the different proposals into an execution plan for the delivery of those changes and targets for the return investment. Doyen Land will proactively manage the delivery of the programme of enhancements with regular reviews to identify opportunities and threats which may arise.