Improving the Bottom Line through Planned Preventative Maintenance (PPM)
Its obvious to most of us, we think, that planning ahead is more prudent than reacting when things go wrong. Though however obvious this concept is, implementing a plan can be tedious and is often relegated down the list of priorities, it happens to the best of us and...
Avoiding Ambiguity in Tender Packages
The importance of getting your specification correct in the procurement process cannot be under-estimated. The resulting project success can be determined almost entirely by the tender documents and contract. Procuring works to property is not dissimilar to buying a...
Doyen Land attend IoD ’99’ Summer Party
Doyen Land were invited to attend the IoD ’99’ Summer Party The event was held at the IoD Head Quarters at 116 Pall Mall, which is an iconic landmark of London’s Georgian heritage, located just minutes from Trafalgar Square. Information about the IoD...